Unweighted Graphs: Breadth-First Search
Learn about the breadth-first search algorithm and its applications in solving the shortest paths problem in unweighted graphs.
Implementation of breadth-first search
In the simplest special case of the shortest path problem, all edges have weight 1, and the length of a path is just the number of edges. This special case can be solved by a species of our generic graph-traversal algorithm called breadth-first search. Breadth-first search is often attributed to Edward Moore, who described it in 1957 (as “Algorithm A”) as the first published method to find the shortest path through a maze. Especially in the context of VLSI wiring and robot path planning, breadth-first search is sometimes attributed to Chin Yang Lee, who described several applications of Moore’s “Algorithm A” (with proper credit to Moore) in 1961. However, in 1945, more than a decade before Moore considered mazes, Konrad Zuse described an implementation of breadth-first search as a method to count and label the components of a disconnected graph.
Breadth-first search maintains a first-in-first-out queue of vertices, which initially contains only the source vertex . At each iteration, the algorithm pulls a vertex from the front of the queue and examines each of its outgoing edges . Whenever the algorithm discovers an outgoing tense edge , it relaxes that edge and pushes vertex onto the queue. The algorithm ends when the queue becomes empty.
from typing import Listfrom queue import QueueINF = int(1e9)MAXN = 100005adj = [[] for _ in range(MAXN)] # adjacency list of the graphdist = [INF] * MAXNpred = [-1] * MAXNvisited = [False] * MAXNdef InitSSSP(s: int) -> None:global dist, pred, visiteddist = [INF] * MAXNpred = [-1] * MAXNvisited = [False] * MAXNdist[s] = 0def Push(s: int, q: Queue) -> None:q.put(s)visited[s] = Truedef BFS(s: int) -> None:InitSSSP(s)q = Queue()Push(s, q)while not q.empty():u = q.get()for v in adj[u]:if dist[v] > dist[u] + 1:# u->v is tensedist[v] = dist[u] + 1pred[v] = u # relax u->vif not visited[v]:# add v to queuePush(v, q)# example usageadj[1].append(2)adj[1].append(3)adj[2].append(4)adj[3].append(4)BFS(1)for i in range(1, 5):print("Shortest distance from 1 to", i, ":", dist[i])
- Lines 12: This line defines a function called
that takes an integers
as an argument and returnsNone
. - Lines 19: This line defines a function called
that takes an integers
and a queue objectq
as arguments and returnsNone
. - Lines 39–42: We create an example graph.
Modifications of breadth-first search
Breadth-first search is somewhat easier to analyze if we break its execution into phases by introducing an imaginary token. Before we pull any vertices, we push the token into the queue. The current phase ends when we pull the token out of the queue; we begin the next phase when we push the token into the queue again. Thus, the first phase consists entirely of scanning the source vertex . The algorithm ends when the queue contains only the token. The modified algorithm is shown below, and the illustration shows an example of this algorithm in action. Let us emphasize that these modifications are merely a convenience for analysis; with or without the token, the algorithm pushes and pulls vertices in the same order, scans edges in the same order, and outputs exactly the same distances and predecessors.