HomeCoursesMastering Kotlin Essentials



Mastering Kotlin Essentials
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Delve into Kotlin essentials for cross-platform mobile, web, and back-end development. Gain insights into syntax, OOP, collections, and generics. Apply skills to build robust applications including a workout manager.
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Course Overview

Cross-platform development is an attractive goal. Java enabled developers to write code that runs everywhere. However, it mostly targeted back-end development. Kotlin is a cross-platform programming language that targets mobile (Android and iOS), web, and back-end development. It provides all of these features with a familiar VM-based runtime and modern language features. In this course, you’ll learn the syntactical elements of Kotlin for working with variables, conditional statements, and loops. You’ll th...Show More
Cross-platform development is an attractive goal. Java enabled developers to write code that runs everywhere. However, it mostly...Show More


A solid understanding of fundamental programming constructs in Kotlin
Working knowledge of object-oriented programming in Kotlin
The ability to write robust programs in Kotlin
Familiarity with advanced Kotlin programming constructs, such as operator overloading and type systems
A solid understanding of fundamental programming constructs in Kotlin

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Course Content


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with Kotlin's basics, from syntax and "Hello, World" to personalized greetings.


Kotlin Fundamentals

7 Lessons

Walk through Kotlin's essential concepts: variables, numeric types, conversions, Booleans, and strings.


The Power of the for Loop

5 Lessons

Solve problems in Kotlin iteration with for loops, control statements, and range operations.



6 Lessons

Piece together the parts of Kotlin classes, properties, constructors, and custom methods.



5 Lessons

Go hands-on with Kotlin's objects, companion objects, data objects, and a pizza factory exercise.



5 Lessons

Break down complex ideas of handling, types, and hierarchy of exceptions in Kotlin.


Enum Classes

4 Lessons

Take a closer look at defining and utilizing enum classes in Kotlin through practical examples.


Sealed Classes and Interfaces

5 Lessons

Investigate sealed classes and interfaces to create controlled, flexible type hierarchies in Kotlin.


Annotation Classes

4 Lessons

Piece together the parts of annotation classes, meta-annotations, and custom code generation exercises.



11 Lessons

Walk through Kotlin collections, including lists, sets, maps, arrays, and inventory management.


Kotlin’s Type System

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Kotlin's type system, including nullability, classes, and the Nothing type.



1 Lessons

Tackle Kotlin essentials and build on your knowledge for Android and JVM apps.
Certificate of Completion
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