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Modern CMake for C++
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Gain insights into using CMake in C++ projects. Learn about building, testing, and packaging automation, optimizing compilation processes, and making informed tool choices for effective project configuration.
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This course includes
Personalized Learning, Powered by AI
120 Lessons
11 Quizzes
1 Assessment
Certificate of Completion
Course Overview
Table of Contents
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Course Overview

Creating production-ready software is not a trivial task. A common issue developers face is the lack of coherent guidelines to build effective and elegant solutions. This course provides learners an end-to-end hands-on experience in building C++ solutions in a comprehensive manner. You’ll start with the processes to use CMake in your projects. Next, you’ll learn about the automation of complex tasks including building, testing, and packaging. Then, you’ll learn how to form source directories, as well as bu...Show More
Creating production-ready software is not a trivial task. A common issue developers face is the lack of coherent guidelines to b...Show More


A deep understanding of the steps involved in the software build process
Working knowledge of the automation process of complex tasks in the building project
Familiarity with the different options available to build software
Hands-on exposure to navigating through the project structure, scripts, and modules to build maintainable and clean solutions
Hands-on practice with different CMake tools to configure, run, and generate test results
Hands-on experience in applying the end-to-end CMake process to build, test, and package C++ projects
A deep understanding of the steps involved in the software build process

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building and managing elegant, maintainable C++ projects using CMake.


Working with Targets

9 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of managing targets, properties, dependencies, and generator expressions in CMake.


Program Analysis Tools

7 Lessons

Work your way through program analysis tools for formatting, static checking, and dynamic analysis.


Generating Documentation

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of generating clear, modern documentation using Doxygen in CMake projects.



1 Lessons

Master the steps to build, manage, and automate professional C++ projects using CMake.



6 Lessons

Learn how to use essential CMake commands for installation, string, list, file, and math operations.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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