HomeCoursesC++ High Performance



C++ High Performance
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Gain insights into performance analysis, memory management, concurrency handling, and advanced templates in C++. Learn to write efficient, high-performance code and enhance your career opportunities.
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Course Overview

This course focuses on one major aspect that distinguishes professional C++ developers from beginners, which is understanding code from top to bottom and comprehending what is truly happening under the hood. Through examples and exercises, we’ll equip you with the skills needed to become a top-tier C++ developer capable of handling even the most demanding performance challenges. The course begins with performance analysis, memory management techniques, efficient concurrency handling, and advanced template...Show More
This course focuses on one major aspect that distinguishes professional C++ developers from beginners, which is understanding co...Show More


Proficiency in identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks in C++ code
Hands-on experience with optimizing memory management and concurrency
Knowledge of modern C++ features and best practices for high performance
Mastery of advanced template usage and parallel algorithms
Practical experience with modern memory management and multithreading techniques
Knowledge of new C++20 features for better performance
Proficiency in identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks in C++ code

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Programming Language

C++ Concepts

C++ Templates

Course Content


Getting Started

3 Lessons

Learn how to use modern C++ features and libraries for high-performance programming.


Essential C++ Techniques

23 Lessons

Examine essential C++ features like type deduction, move semantics, error handling, and lambdas.
Certificate of Completion
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