HomeCoursesSending and Receiving Money with Wise Payouts API in Python


1h 30min

Sending and Receiving Money with Wise Payouts API in Python
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Gain insights into sending and receiving money using the Wise Payouts API in Python. Learn step-by-step processes and test endpoints to efficiently manage multi-currency transfers.
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Course Overview

Wise is a money transferring service previously known as TransferWise. It allows users to send and receive money to and from multiple currencies around the world. This course will teach Wise API. This is a beginner-level course that provides a step-by-step guide to transferring money from a multi-currency account. You’ll get playgrounds to test every endpoint discussed in the lessons.
Wise is a money transferring service previously known as TransferWise. It allows users to send and receive money to and from mul...Show More


Learn to transfer money using Wise payouts API.
Learn about Wise payouts API.
Learn to create a Recipient and Quote.
Learn to transfer money using Wise payouts API.

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Course Content


Introduction to Wise

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Wise's platform, APIs, and using Python for international money transfers.


Payouts API

6 Lessons

Walk through setting up a profile, recipient, quote, and executing transfers using Wise API.



1 Lessons

Examine the overview of Wise Payouts API and encourage further integration.
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