

Advanced Arithmetic Operations on Integers

Advanced Arithmetic Operations on Integers

This lesson is a continuation of the previous lesson, and it explores some advanced arithmetic operations that we can perform with integers in D.

Arithmetic operations with assignment #

All of the operators that take two expressions have assignment counterparts. These operators assign the result back to the expression that is on the left-hand side:

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import std.stdio;
void main() {
int number = 10;
number += 20; // same as number = number + 20; now 30
number -= 5; // same as number = number - 5; now 25
number *= 2; // same as number = number * 2; now 50
number /= 3; // same as number = number / 3; now 16
number %= 7; // same as number = number % 7; now 2
number ^^= 6; // same as number = number ^^ 6; now 64

Negation: - #

This operator converts the value of the expression from negative to positive or vice versa:

Press + to interact
import std.stdio;
void main() {
int number_1 = 1;
int number_2 = -2;

It is different from subtraction because it takes only one operand. Since unsigned types cannot have negative values, the result of using this operator with ...

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