

String Length, Literals and Comparison

String Length, Literals and Comparison

In this lesson, we will discuss potentially confusing length of strings, string literals and comparisons of strings.

Potentially confusing length of strings #

We have seen that some Unicode characters are represented by more than one byte. For example, the character ‘é’ (the latin letter ‘e’ combined with an acute accent) is represented using at least two bytes in UTF-8 encoding. This fact is reflected in the .length property of strings:

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import std.stdio;
void main() {

Although résumé contains six letters, the length of the string is the number of UTF-8 code units that it contains i.e, 8.
Here résumé is a string literal where each element type is a char and each char value represents a UTF-8 code unit. The type of the elements of string literals like “hello” is char and each char value represents a UTF-8 code ...