Name Scopes

In this lesson, we discuss the name scopes.

Name scope #

Any name is accessible from the point where it has been defined to the point where its scope ends, as well as in all of the scopes that its scope includes. In this regard, every scope defines a name scope.
Names are not available beyond the end of their scope:

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import std.stdio;
void main() {
bool aCondition = true;
int outer;
if (aCondition) { // ← curly bracket starts a new scope
int inner = 1;
outer = 2; // ← 'outer' is available here
} // ← 'inner' is not available beyond this point
inner = 3; // ← compilation ERROR
// 'inner' is not available in the outer scope

Because inner is defined within the scope of the if condition, it is available only in that scope. On the other hand, outer is available in both the if block scope and main function scope.

It is not legal to define the same name in an inner scope:

size_t length = oddNumbers.length;

if (aCondition) {
    size_t length = primeNumbers.length; // ←