HomeCoursesProgramming in D: The Ultimate Guide for Software Engineers



Programming in D: The Ultimate Guide for Software Engineers

Gain insights into D programming by exploring variables, loops, and advanced topics such as functions and unit testing. Discover how to build applications using this versatile language.
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While D has been around for a while, it’s just now starting to see a surge in popularity. D is a multi-paradigm system programming language that combines a wide range of powerful programming concepts. Because D is a re-engineering of C++, many C++ developers have switched to learning D. In this course, you will start by building a simple "hello world" program. You will then proceed to cover the concepts related to variables, loops, conditional statements, and arrays in order to build up your fundamentals. ...Show More
While D has been around for a while, it’s just now starting to see a surge in popularity. D is a multi-paradigm system programmi...Show More



Getting Started With D

6 Lessons

Get familiar with D programming basics, key functions, error fixes, and code compilation.


Literals and enum

6 Lessons

Master the steps to use literals, fix code challenges, and leverage enums in D.



6 Lessons

Master the steps to create, utilize, and enhance code quality through functions.



5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of immutability, its application in parameters, and its impact on slices.


Value Types and Reference Types

5 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of value and reference types, their properties, and distinctions.


Program Environment

5 Lessons

Build on the program execution, parameter handling, and environment interactions in D programming.


Exceptions and scope

8 Lessons

Break down exceptions, throw, try-catch, finally, scope statements, and kinds of errors in D.


assert and enforce Statements

8 Lessons

Solve challenges with assert and enforce statements to ensure code correctness and stability.


Unit Testing

7 Lessons

Break apart the causes of bugs, unit testing, TDD, and testing for exceptions in D.
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