

Built-In Function: Mathematical Operations

Built-In Function: Mathematical Operations

Learn how to perform different mathematical operations using built-in functions.

Built-in functions in a programming language are very useful and can be a huge advantage in day-to-day tasks since we don’t have to write them ourselves . Python has a lot of functions built into it that are always available. Similarly, PowerShell has access to .Net classes that brings some useful functions as well. In this lesson, we are going to cover various built-in functions provided by PowerShell and Python.

Basic Mathematical Operations

We’ll come across various day-to-day tasks where it is required to perform basic mathematical operations. Let’s look into them one at a time.

Constants: PI and E

Mathematical constant Pi = 3.141592 and Euler’s number(e = 2.718281) can be accessed in PowerShell using the System.Math class. This has static properties holding values of these constants as shown in the following example.

Press + to interact

Likewise, Python has a math module that can be utilized to access the values of ...