

Dictionary and Hash Table

Dictionary and Hash Table

We will learn about PowerShell hash tables and Python dictionaries. This will include how they are created, accessed, adding and removing elements, and some built-in methods.


A PowerShell hash table, also known as a dictionary or an associative array, is a data structure that stores one or more key-value pairs. To create a hash table, we use an at (@) symbol followed by open and close braces. Inside the braces, we can define a key-value pair separated by the equals (=) operator. If there are multiple key-value pairs, we separate them by a semi-colon (;).


@{key1=value1; key2=value2; key3=value3 ....}

For example, a hash table might contain details like the first, middle, last name, and age of an employee.

$employee = @{first='Prateek';middle='kumar';last='singh';age=28}


A dictionary in Python is an unordered, changeable collection that stores indexed key-value pairs. In Python, dictionaries are written with curly brackets. Creating a ...