Date and Time

Learn about date and time in Python and Powershell.

Get date and time

Let’s begin by understanding how to retrieve date and time information.


Getting date and time in PowerShell is done using the cmdlet Get-Date or using the [datetime] type accelerator.

Press + to interact
### date and time
[datetime]::Now | Format-List
[datetime]::Now # local time
[datetime]::UtcNow # time in UTC

Under the hood, both methods call .net class’ System.DateTime to return rich DateTime objects. If we dig a little deeper, we’ll see that there is no difference at all in the returned objects.


If we pipe the results of the Get-Date cmdlet to Get-Member, we will find the member properties and methods of the DateTime object like Day, Hour, Minute, Second, AddDays(), and AddHours().

Get-Date | Get-Member

These properties can be utilized to get the current date and time:

Press + to interact
## using date time properties
## just date, time defaults to midnight
## date and time
## time of the day
## other properties

Methods of class System.DateTime time objects can be used to perform various date-time operations like adding years, hours, or minutes to the current date.
