Home>Courses>Reactive Programming with RxJS


63h 5min

Certificate of Completion

Reactive Programming with RxJS

Gain insights into reactive programming with RxJS. Learn about observables, operators, and concurrent programming to create real-world applications like a real-time earthquake visualizer and spaceship game.
Gain insights into reactive programming with RxJS. Learn about observables, operators, and concurrent programming to create real-world applications like a real-time earthquake visualizer and spaceship game.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

89 Lessons
55 Playgrounds
9 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

In this course, you will learn about reactive programming techniques and use them to create real-world applications. Throughout this course, you will learn important concepts of RxJS programming such as observables, operators, concurrent programming, and how to build a complete web application. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to build out applications for different real-world scenarios so that you can put what you learn into practice. You will use RxJS operators in scenarios such as the real-ti...Show More
In this course, you will learn about reactive programming techniques and use them to create real-world applications. Throughout ...Show More

What You'll Learn

Patterns used in RxJS
RxJS Observables and Operators
Concurrent programs and pipelining
RxJS Subject class
Real-time projects using Reactive Programming techniques
Patterns used in RxJS

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with RxJS concepts through practical applications and interactive projects.


Introduction to Reactive Programming with RxJS

3 Lessons

Look at the essential need for reactive programming with RxJS for modern, dynamic applications.


Understanding the Reactiveness

6 Lessons

Break apart the complexities of asynchronous code using RxJS for enhanced productivity.


Understanding the Observables

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Observables, their creation, operators, and practical applications in RxJS.


Make a Real-time Earthquake Visualizer

6 Lessons

Focus on creating a real-time earthquake visualizer using RxJS and enhancing reactivity.


Building Concurrent Programs Through Pipelines

4 Lessons

Master the steps to building efficient concurrent programs using RxJS Observable pipelines and pure functions.


RxJS Subject Class

5 Lessons

Step through using various RxJS Subjects for efficient data handling and caching.


Getting Real Time Updates from Twitter using Node.js

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to developing a real-time Twitter dashboard using Node.js and RxJS.


Closing Remarks

1 Lessons

Approach advanced RxJS integration for IoT, machine learning, and responsive systems.

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