HomeCoursesBuild a REST API Using Python and Deploy it to Microsoft Azure


2h 30min

Build a REST API Using Python and Deploy it to Microsoft Azure
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Gain insights into building REST APIs with FastAPI, explore parallel processing in Python, and discover how to deploy APIs on Microsoft Azure with a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn how to build a REST API using a lighter web framework for Python, i.e., FastAPI. You will learn the basics of FastAPI and learn how to implement parallel processing in Python APIs. Finally, you will deploy your API on Microsoft Azure and build a Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) Pipeline using Github.
In this course, you will learn how to build a REST API using a lighter web framework for Python, i.e., FastAPI. You will learn t...Show More


Understand the concept of an API
Learn about FastAPI Python web framework
Learn to implement Optical Character Recognition
Learn and understand different services provided by Azure
Get familiarized with Git and GitHub
Build and Deploy an API to Microsoft Azure App Services
Understand the concept of an API

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Course Content


Overview of the Course

1 Lessons

Get familiar with building and deploying Python-based REST APIs on Microsoft Azure.


Building Blocks of an API in Python

6 Lessons

Unpack the core of building REST APIs using Python, including requests, responses, and concurrency.


Optical Character Recognition API Using Tesseract - Project 1

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of creating, implementing, and optimizing an OCR API using Tesseract and FastAPI.


Cloud and Microsoft Azure Services

7 Lessons

Gain insight into cloud computing, Microsoft Azure services, App Service, Cognitive Services, and Git basics.


Text Analytics API Using Azure Cognitive Services - Project 2

4 Lessons

Tackle sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, and API implementation using Azure Cognitive Services.



2 Lessons

Get familiar with installing FastAPI, Tesseract, and Pytesseract for OCR operations.
Certificate of Completion
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