HomeCoursesREST APIs with Spring, JPA, and Springfox



REST APIs with Spring, JPA, and Springfox
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Delve into creating REST APIs with Spring Framework, integrating databases with JPA, implementing Aspect-Oriented Programming, unit testing, and documenting with Springfox, and monitoring with Spring Boot Actuator.
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Course Overview

In this advanced-level course, you’ll learn to create REST APIs using the Spring Framework. The course gives a detailed experience in designing, implementing, and documenting REST APIs with end-to-end features like database integration and monitoring. Firstly, you'll set up a Spring Boot project and create fully-functional REST APIs to manage your to-do lists. Secondly, you’ll learn database integration using Spring Data JPA and consume APIs using various tools such as cURL, Postman, and the Swagger UI. Th...Show More
In this advanced-level course, you’ll learn to create REST APIs using the Spring Framework. The course gives a detailed experien...Show More


The ability to implement REST APIs using the Spring Framework
Hands-on experience of integrating the database using Spring Data JPA
Familiarity with Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring
A working knowledge of consuming REST APIs using cURL and Postman
An understanding of the Spring Framework Unit Testing
The ability to document REST APIs using Springfox and Spring REST Docs
The ability to implement REST APIs using the Spring Framework

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Unit Testing

Database Design

Web Frameworks

Course Content


Introduction to Spring Boot

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Spring Boot's setup, dependency management, and application start-up processes.


Aspect Oriented Programming

5 Lessons

Explore Spring AOP for modularizing concerns, logging, exception handling, and audit logging enhancements.


Consuming APIs

2 Lessons

Practice using tools like cURL and Postman to interact with and test APIs.


API Documentation With Swagger

5 Lessons

Get familiar with generating interactive API documentation using Swagger and Springfox in Spring projects.


Wrapping Up

2 Lessons

Enhance your skills in designing, implementing, and documenting REST APIs with Spring Boot.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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