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Why Should You Take This Course?
Course Prerequisites
Why Azure DevOps?
Why Java?
Course Structure
The Selenium Automation Project
Project Information
Define the Test Cases
The Test Class
The Base Test Class
Test Classes Quiz
Page Object Template
HomePage Class
ResultsPage Class
Page Object Classes Quiz
The Automation Framework
What is in the Automation Framework?
DriverFactory Class
LogWriter Class
ScreenshotWriter Class
How to Take Screenshots and Exceptions
Listener Code
Automation Framework Quiz
Run The Automated Tests in Local Browsers
How to Execute Automated Tests With Maven
Execute Passing Tests in Command Prompt
Do it yourself
Where are the Logs and the Screenshots?
Do It Yourself
Execute Failing Tests in Command Prompt
Maven Quiz
Run The Automated Tests in Docker Containers
Why Run Selenium Tests in Docker Containers?
Create the Dockerfile for the Test Container
Create the image of the JAVA test container
Run the Tests
Display the Log Files
Display the Screenshots
Docker Quiz
Create the Project In Azure DevOps
Create the Azure DevOps Project
Add the Project to the Repository
Do it yourself
Azure DevOps Quiz
Run The Automated Tests in Azure DevOps Pipelines
Create the Azure DevOps Pipeline
Run the Pipeline
Change Pipeline Settings
Create the BROWSER environment variable
Read the browser name from a pipeline variable
Run the tests that belong to a group
Add Shared Variables to a Library
Change Pipeline Variable at Run Time
What are the Azure DevOps System Variables?
Locate the logs and screenshots
Publish Logs as Artifacts
Publish Screenshots as Artifacts
Schedule the Pipeline for Unattended Execution
Add User Notifications
Run Jobs Sequentially
Run Jobs in Parallel
Change Pipeline Retention Policy
Create an Automation Dashboard
Pipeline Analytics
Azure DevOps Pipeline Quiz
Run the Automated Tests In Pipelines Using Docker Containers
Create the Pipeline and Run the Tests
Save Screenshots as Artifact
Save Logs As Artifact
Where is the Tests tab?
Publish the Tests Information
Docker Pipeline Quiz
Wrapping Up
How to Run the Tests on Your Computer
Run Selenium Java Tests In Azure DevOps
What is the way forward?
We'll cover the following...
What have we covered?
Next steps
Final thoughts
Thank you for taking this course. We hope that you