

Where are the Logs and the Screenshots?

Where are the Logs and the Screenshots?

Get introduced to the steps to see the logs and screenshots.

Notice that there are two sub-folders in the target folder, screenshots and logs:

Press + to interact
cd target
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is B83E-B2E2
Directory of \targets
06/26/2020 05:35 PM <DIR> .
06/26/2020 05:35 PM <DIR> ..
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> classes
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> generated-sources
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> generated-test-sources
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> logs <----------
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> maven-status
06/26/2020 05:35 PM <DIR> screenshots <----------
06/26/2020 05:35 PM <DIR> surefire-reports
06/26/2020 05:34 PM <DIR> test-classes
0 File(s) 0 bytes
10 Dir(s) 12,263,456,768 bytes free

Where are the
