HomeCoursesRun Selenium Java Tests In Azure DevOps


9h 30min

Run Selenium Java Tests In Azure DevOps
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Gain insights into adding Java, TestNG, and Selenium automation projects to Azure DevOps, sharing repositories, and running tests through CI/CD pipelines efficiently.
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Course Overview

We all write automated tests using Selenium WebDriver and Java. While developing and testing our automation code, we run it locally on our computers. Others should be able to change or run the code as well. This becomes possible when the code is added to a repository, from which other people can also access it. Once the code is in a repository, it can be executed in a CI/CD environment - such as Jenkins or Azure DevOps - through pipelines. This is the focus of this course. In this course, we will add a lo...Show More
We all write automated tests using Selenium WebDriver and Java. While developing and testing our automation code, we run it loca...Show More


Knowledge on how to run Selenium automated tests in Azure Devops using YAML pipelines
Knowledge on how to run Selenium automated tests in Azure Devops using YAML pipelines

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Get familiar with running Selenium tests in Azure DevOps for efficient CI/CD.


The Selenium Automation Project

9 Lessons

Solve challenges with Selenium Java automation for efficient, maintainable test execution.


The Automation Framework

7 Lessons

Break apart essential automation framework components, including driver setup, logging, screenshots, and TestNG listeners.


Run The Automated Tests in Docker Containers

7 Lessons

Take a closer look at running Selenium tests in Docker containers for streamlined CI/CD process.


Create the Project In Azure DevOps

4 Lessons

Focus on creating and integrating an Azure DevOps project with a repository.


Run the Automated Tests In Pipelines Using Docker Containers

6 Lessons

Try out running Selenium tests and saving logs, screenshots in Azure DevOps pipelines.


Wrapping Up

1 Lessons

Look at the vast features of Azure DevOps and pursue continuous learning.



1 Lessons

Go hands-on with running Selenium tests on your computer using Java JDK and Maven.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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