HomeCoursesSimplifying JavaScript: A Handy Guide for Software Engineers



Simplifying JavaScript: A Handy Guide for Software Engineers

Gain insights into modern JavaScript, focusing on impactful syntax and practical usage. Discover essential language features and 51 valuable tips to enhance your productivity as a developer.
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In this course, you’ll learn to write modern JavaScript from the ground up. But instead of going over every possible edge case, you’ll focus on the syntax that has a significant impact in your day-to-day work. As you review each construct, you’ll learn not just how to use it, but, more importantly, when to. Your time is valuable, and this course, based on the Pragmatic Programmers’ book, Simplifying JavaScript, covers all the most important language features. And with 51 tips in total, you'll be able to ju...Show More
In this course, you’ll learn to write modern JavaScript from the ground up. But instead of going over every possible edge case, ...Show More




3 Lessons

Get familiar with modern JavaScript features, practical usage, and targeted resources for effective coding.


Signal Intention with Variable Assignment

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of variable declaration, block scoping, immutability, and template literals in JavaScript.


Write Clear Conditionals

4 Lessons

Dig into writing clear and concise JavaScript conditionals to enhance readability and maintainability.


Clean Up Parameters and Return Statements

5 Lessons

Build on techniques for handling function parameters and enhancing code clarity in JavaScript.


Gather Related Files with Component Architecture

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of JavaScript code architecture, modularization, npm, component architecture, build tools, and CSS animations.
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