HomeCoursesSoftware Architecture in Applications



Software Architecture in Applications
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Delve into software architecture, exploring key principles, patterns, and quality attributes. Gain insights with case studies and projects, enhancing your practical skills in system design and optimization.
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Course Overview

This course offers a deep dive into the world of software architecture. It’s designed to equip software developers and architects with the knowledge and skills necessary to create, evaluate, and optimize software systems. The course covers a range of critical topics to ensure a strong foundation in architectural principles and strategies. You will start by exploring architectural concepts and the relationship between quality attributes, requirements, and architectural styles. You’ll also examine different ...Show More
This course offers a deep dive into the world of software architecture. It’s designed to equip software developers and architect...Show More


An understanding of the fundamentals of software architecture and its role in agile development
Working knowledge of quality attributes and requirements in software architecture across various application types and their architectural frames
The ability to make informed architectural decisions, selecting the most appropriate architectural styles and patterns
An understanding of modern web architecture concepts to design web applications for enhanced user experiences
An understanding of the fundamentals of software architecture and its role in agile development

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Software Architecture

Web Architecture

Course Content


Getting Started

5 Lessons

Get familiar with software architecture in web applications, Agile methods, and modern web app characteristics.


The Architecture Meta-Frame

4 Lessons

Get started with understanding the architecture meta-frame, quality attributes, and application types.


Architectural Styles and Strategies

22 Lessons

Examine various architectural patterns and strategies, addressing their structures, advantages, and challenges.



5 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on achieving efficient scalability in software architecture.



4 Lessons

Solve problems in maintaining high system availability through redundancy, failover, and clustering.



5 Lessons

Learn how to improve security measures, recognize threats, and conduct effective security tests.



3 Lessons

Learn how to use caching to boost application performance and efficiency.


Web Architecture

7 Lessons

Walk through web architecture types, REST API, SOAP, WebSockets, HTTP methods, Ajax, and jQuery.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of designing robust software systems through essential principles and patterns.
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