

Application Types and Architectural Frame

Application Types and Architectural Frame

Learn about different architectural frames and their application types.


In the architecture meta-frameArchitectureMetaFrame diagram, we also have a section on application types and the architecture frame.

Application types represent different fundamental approaches or paradigms for designing and structuring software applications and help in providing a high-level understanding of how an application is built.

Architecture frameworks, on the other hand, represent standardized sets of rules, principles, and guidelines for designing and organizing the architectural components of a software system. They help ensure consistency, scalability, maintainability, and reliability in software projects.

Application types

Application types also drive architectural decisions. Our application type selection will be influenced by both technological limits and the sort of user experience that we intend to provide. Selecting the proper application is a critical step in creating and architecting an application.

As mentioned, choosing an appropriate app type depends on specific requirements and infrastructure limitations. For example, assume that a client wants an application that supports rich media and graphics delivered on the net. For this scenario, the best option would be a Rich Internet Application (RIA). On the other hand, for an application that needs data entry support and ...