

System Failure and Fault Tolerance

System Failure and Fault Tolerance

Learn what system failure and fault tolerance are and their potential causes.


System failure in software architecture refers to a system’s inability to execute its intended functions or meet the demands of its users. Hardware faults, software failures, network failures, and human mistakes can all cause system failures.

Hardware failures

Hardware failures occur when one or more components of a system, such as a processor, memory, or storage device, stop functioning properly. Hardware failures can be caused by a variety of factors, including physical damage, wear and tear, and manufacturing defects.

As an example, assume that an e-commerce website uses a fleet of servers to handle incoming requests and process customer orders. One day, a server in the cluster fails, causing the website to become unavailable. This is a case of a hardware failure, which can happen in a critical component, such as the CPU, resulting in system failure.

Software failures

Software failures ...