

Software Architecture in Agile Methods

Software Architecture in Agile Methods

Get an overview of different Agile methods in software architectures.

The Agile methods

Many software companies are moving to Agile processes from the conventional waterfall methodology for product development. The Agile methods are iterative and incremental compared to the strict format followed by the waterfall process model. In the waterfall model, it’s assumed that the requirements are final before moving on to the next phase, whereas there’s no such assumption when following Agile methods.

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Agile architecture diagram
Agile architecture diagram

The Agile manifesto is as follows:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

In Agile processes, the focus is on rapid deliverables, usually within 2–3 weeks, known as iteration. Plans evolve very quickly and can change even ...