HomeCoursesThe Complete Java Crash Course



The Complete Java Crash Course

Gain insights into Java, a versatile and portable programming language. Delve into similarities with C++ and Python and learn essential Java-specific features with practical coding examples.
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Looking to jump into a new programming language? Java is an easy-to-use, highly portable and ubiquitous language that is used for a variety of development purposes such as Android applications, desktop applications, and website backend systems. Designed for programmers who are already familiar with coding in languages such as C++, Python, or other similar languages, this course articulates any Java-specific details that programmers need to know to get acquainted with the language and also highlights simila...Show More
Looking to jump into a new programming language? Java is an easy-to-use, highly portable and ubiquitous language that is used fo...Show More



Hello, Java!

3 Lessons

Step through creating a basic Java program, static methods, and screen printing.


Variables and expressions

6 Lessons

Look at Java variables, data types, arithmetic operations, method parameters, strings, and arrays.


Flow of control: loops and conditionals

5 Lessons

Work your way through loops, conditionals, and operators to control Java program flow.


Classes, objects, and methods

3 Lessons

Enhance your skills in creating Java classes, methods, and managing access specifiers.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

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