

Contents of the Project HELM Charts

Contents of the Project HELM Charts

Look at all the files in the "go-demo-9" project.

Viewing Chart.yaml

Let’s look at the content of the Chart.yaml file. The output is as follows.

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apiVersion: v1
description: A Helm chart
name: go-demo-9
version: 0.0.1
appVersion: 0.0.1

The Chart.yaml chart contains meta-information about the chart. It’s mostly for Helm’s internal use, and it doesn’t define any Kubernetes resources.

The apiVersion is set to v1. The alternative would be to set it to v2, which would indicate that the chart is compatible only with Helm 3. Everything we’ll use is compatible with earlier Helm versions, so we’re keeping v1 as a clear indication that the chart can be used with any Helm version, at least at the time of writing.

The description and the name should be self-explanatory, so we’ll skip those.

The version field is mandatory, and it defines the version of the chart. The appVersion, on the other hand, is optional, and it contains the version of the application that this chart defines. What matters is that both must use semantic versioning 2.

There are a few other fields that we could have defined, but we didn’t. For more information, read the full documentation later on. This is a quick dive into Helm, and it’s not meant to show everything we can do with it.

