Deploying Applications to Development and Preview Environments

Deploy the project in local development environments using Helm.

Deployment in the local environment

We’ve seen how we can deploy an application and its dependencies to production. We’ve seen that using Helm to deploy something to production is easy if we set all the default values to be those we want to use in production. Now, let’s move into a slightly more complicated scenario.

We need to figure out how to deploy the application in temporary development and preview (pull request) environments. The challenge is that the requirements of our application in those environments are not the same. The host name should be dynamic. Given that every developer could have a different environment and there might be any number of open pull requests, the host of the application needs to be auto-generated and always unique. We also need to disable HPA, have a single replica of both the application and the DB dependency, and we don’t want persistent storage for something that is temporary and can exist for anything from minutes to days or weeks.

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