



Go through the prerequisites and installation details for deploying the INGRESS controller.

GKE setup

Press + to interact
# Create a Cluster #
# Only if you did not yet clone that repository
cd devops-catalog-code
cd terraform-gke/simple
# Only if you are not already logged in
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud container get-server-config \
--region us-east1
# Replace `[...]` with a valid master version from the previous output.
# It must be at least 1.16 or newer (e.g., 1.16.13-gke.1).
export K8S_VERSION=[...]
terraform init
terraform apply \
--var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig
kubectl get nodes
cd ../../..
# Destroy The Cluster #
cd devops-catalog-code/terraform-gke/simple
terraform destroy \
--var k8s_version=$K8S_VERSION
cd ../../..

EKS setup
