Exploring Loki Query Syntax
Understand the Loki Query Syntax for querying the logs.
Overview of the Loki Query Syntax
As we mentioned earlier, LogQL is a slightly modified subset of the well-known PromQL many of us are using daily. That doesn't mean that we need to be an expert in PromQL to use it but rather that there's a similarity that some can leverage. Those with no prior knowledge should still have an easy time grasping it. It’s relatively simple.
That being said, teaching LogQL or PromQL is out of the scope of this course, so we suggest checking the documentation if that's a need. Our goal is to evaluate whether Loki might be the right choice for your needs, so we’ll explore it briefly without going into details, especially not on the query-language level.
Let’s take a look at the last expression and compare it to PromQL used by Prometheus.
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