Introduction to the Course
Get an idea about what to expect from this course.
We'll cover the following...
Troubleshooting Docker and Kubernetes
When we talk about Docker and Kubernetes, we generally refer to both as container tools, because their usage revolves around the function of what a present-day container does. Docker handles container packaging mostly, while Kubernetes performs the container orchestration function (all of these will be explained in the course alongside troubleshooting).
In a world where cloud-native applications rule the day, it’s important to understand how to handle having an efficient and stable environment for applications without having issues. It’s also important to know how to go about fixing problems when they come up.
Therefore, we’ll be troubleshooting two cloud-native tools namely, Docker and Kubernetes.
Docker and Kubernetes can be described as platforms that package, build, and ship applications, even to the extent of scaling them. A greater percentage of applications today is hosted through Docker and Kubernetes. This is why it’s essential to know everything revolving around these applications, which includes their proper usage, and troubleshooting for issues (fixing issues when they arise).
In this course, we’ll be exploring all angles on issues encountered when using Docker and Kubernetes, as well as how to navigate and solve those issues.
Course overview
We’ll be covering all forms of troubleshooting regarding containers (Docker and Kubernetes) with scenarios of issues, how to fix them, and most importantly how to avoid them from occurring, with proper checks in place. The course is divided into seven chapters:
Introduction to troubleshooting containers: In this chapter, we’ll do a refresher on what Docker and Kubernetes containers are. This forms a basis for all we’ll discuss in the rest of the chapters.
Troubleshooting Docker: In this chapter, we’ll begin troubleshooting with Docker. We’ll examine log files, learn how to inspect containers and their file system, and conclude with handling cleaning resources in Docker.
Fixing common issues with Docker: In this chapter, we’ll go deeper into troubleshooting by handling all that has to do with Docker Images, reviewing exit codes, and working with Docker volumes.
Resolving Docker container networking errors: In this chapter, we’ll learn how to handle issues regarding Docker container networking errors and how to take proactive measures to resolve them.
Troubleshooting Kubernetes: In this chapter, we’ll discuss troubleshooting Pods and nodes, managing deployment, and monitoring cluster health.
Troubleshooting further in Kubernetes: In this chapter, we’ll analyze logs at cluster, node, and Pod levels, as well as security and access challenges.
Target audience
If you’re a DevOps, a platform, site Reliability, or a Cloud engineer with some knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes, this course is for you. If you’re a full-stack engineer who desires to know what happens when the application is shipped with containers, this course is for you. If you’re a solutions architect, system administrator, or technological architect, this course is also for you. It’ll help you understand how to handle issues relating to containers, and also be proactive in order to avoid them from happening.
This course is for those who already understand the basics of Docker and Kubernetes and have been working with them. Although we’ll highlight the basics at the beginning, our main focus is on troubleshooting various scenarios.
You don’t need to be an expert in containers but just have an understanding of the basics.