

Solution: Fixing Common Issues with Docker

Solution: Fixing Common Issues with Docker

Learn by doing your work alongside the solutions for fixing common issues with Docker.

Problem 1: Fixing formatting errors and package issues

Let’s take a look at the solution and review the code. There are five issues encountered while trying to launch the services for task 1. Here are the problems and how to resolve them.

  • Line 3: Docker complains of a parsing issue and we notice that there isn’t a colon in front of our db entry.
    To resolve the error, we need to add a colon (:) in front of the db entry.

  • Line 6: Docker gives the services.db.environment must be a mapping error, and we observe that it’s a space issue.
    We fix that by adding a space between the hyphen (-) symbol and the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin entry. ...