

Troubleshooting Issues in Pods

Troubleshooting Issues in Pods

Understand how to troubleshoot errors in pods.

Troubleshooting errors in pods involves identifying issues and resolving them, using various commands like kubectl describe pod <pod_name> for details, and kubectl logs <pod-name> for the logs. We’ll be examining some common pod errors and resolving them.

The ErrImagePull error

This error occurs when a pod is unable to pull the specified container image from the container registry. It might be due to an incorrect image_name entry, authentication issues, or images not being available. We illustrate it below with the pod.yaml file.

Press + to interact
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod
- name: pod
image: ngin:latest

We apply the pod.yaml file above to create the pod and view the pod status below.

Press + to interact
# To create the pod
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
# To get the status of our pod
kubectl get pods
# To get the logs of our pod
kubectl logs <pod_name>
# To describe the pod for detailed issue
kubectl describe pod <pod_name>

When we check our logs using the kubectl logs <pod_name>, we get the following below.

"pod" in pod "pod" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image

When we also use the kubectl describe pod <pod_name> command, we get an ErrImagePull error. From our pod.yaml file, we can observe that our image was spelled wrongly ...