Building the Generic Action
Learn how to build the action discussed previously.
Potentially, we would like each of our data reducers to be able to handle a special UPDATE_DATA
action and extract the relevant parts it needs:
const updateData = ({
payload: {
recipes: {
63: {
id: 63,
name: 'French Toast',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [5123, 729]
ingredients: {
5123: {
id: 5123,
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
729: {
id: 729,
name: 'Milk',
quantity: '2 cups'
Using this approach, our recipe reducer’s support for UPDATE_DATA
can be as simple as:
const recipesReducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
if (!('recipes' in action.payload)) return state;
return Object.assign({}, state, {
recipes: Object.assign({},,
Our reducer checks if the payload contains any recipes and merges the new data with the old recipes
object, thus adding to or otherwise modifying it as needed.
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