
Learn how to convert data from the server into a normalized state that the reducers can understand.

While a normalized state might seem like a great idea, the returned server’s data often has a deeply nested structure. A possible example of fetching data from the /recipes/63 API endpoint might look like this:

  id: 63,
  name: 'Omelette',
  favorite: true,
  preparation: 'How to prepare...',
  ingredients: [
      id: 5123,
      name: 'Egg',
      quantity: 2
      id: 729,
      name: 'Milk',
      quantity: '2 cups'

Since the only way to update the Redux store is by sending actions to the reducers, we must build a payload that our reducers can easily handle and find a way to extract the payload from the denormalized data returned from the server.

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