

What is Flux?

What is Flux?

Learn about Flux.

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Redux is an excellent Flux implementation. In less than half a year, the library became the go-to framework for React developers.

The official definition of Redux is “a predictable state container for JavaScript applications”. This means that all of your application states will be stored in one place so that you may query the state at any given point in time.


Flux is a generic architecture or pattern rather than a specific implementation. Flux was touted as redefining the previous ideas of MVC (Model–View–Controller) and MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) patterns and two-way data binding introduced by other frameworks by suggesting a new flow of events on the front end, called the unidirectional data flow.

In Flux, events are managed one at a time in a circular flow with several actors: dispatcher, stores, and actions.

  • An action is a structure that describes any change in the system: mouse clicks, timeout events, etc.
  • Actions are sent to a dispatcher. A dispatcher is a single point in the system where anyone can submit an action for handling.
  • Stores hold parts of the application state for maintenance and react to commands from the dispatcher.

Here is the simplest Flux flow:

  1. Stores subscribe to a subset of actions.
  2. An action is sent to the dispatcher.
  3. The dispatcher notifies subscribed stores of the action.
  4. Stores update their state based on the action.
  5. The view updates according to the new state in the stores.
  6. The next action can then be processed.

This flow ensures that it’s easy to reason about how actions flow in the system, what will cause the state to change, and how it will change.

Flux as a library

Facebook’s developers did not initially open-source their implementation of Flux but instead released only parts of it, like the dispatcher. The JavaScript community immediately began to utilize the concept of the Flux Flow. This caused many different open-source implementations to be built and released in quick succession.

Some of the new Flux libraries followed the basic Flux pattern very closely, while others differed significantly from the original patterns.