Store Enhancers

Learn about the store enhancers that help decorate the store.

Store enhancers are higher-order functions used to enhance the default behavior of the Redux store. In contrast to middleware and reducers, they have access to all internal store methods.

To give a few examples, there are store enhancers for:

  • Store synchronization (between browser tabs or even network clients)
  • State persistence
  • Integration with developer tools

Let’s build an example store enhancer that will persist state changes and load the initial state from localStorage. To enhance or decorate a store, we need to write a higher-order function that receives the original store factory function as a parameter and returns a function similar in signature to createStore():

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { rootReducer } from 'reducers/root';

const persistStore = (next) =>
  (reducer, initialState, enhancer) => {
    let store;

    if (typeof initialState !== 'function') {
      store = next(reducer, initialState, enhancer);
    } else {
      const preloadedState = initialState ||
        JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('@@PersistedState') || {})

      store = next(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer);

    store.subscribe(() => localStorage.setItem(

  return store;

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