

Exercise: Bubble Chart and Hex Bin Chart

Exercise: Bubble Chart and Hex Bin Chart

Use the concepts you’ve learned so far to solve this exercise.

Consider the following dataset describing the average download/upload speed in European countries from 2019 to 2022:

Press + to interact
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data/average_internet_speed.csv',parse_dates=['quarter'])

In the following terminal, represent the data through a bubble chart:

Press + to interact
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
import os
df = pd.read_csv('data/average_internet_speed.csv',parse_dates=['quarter'])
# build the chart
# use mark_point() to draw the points
# encode the average upload and download speeds in the x and y channels
# encode the country using the color channel.
# highlight the color of a single country (e.g. IT), using alt.condition()
# chart = alt.Chart()df
# uncomment the following lines to show the chart
#os.system('cat chart.html')

Then, represent the dataset through a hex bin chart in the ...