Home>Courses>Web Development Interview Handbook


6h 30min

Certificate of Completion

Web Development Interview Handbook

The ultimate guide to web development interviews. Developed by FAANG engineers, practice with real-world interview questions covering network security, system design, SEO, APIs, and more.
The ultimate guide to web development interviews. Developed by FAANG engineers, practice with real-world interview questions covering network security, system design, SEO, APIs, and more.

Mock Interview


Adaptive Learning


Mock Interview


This course includes

80 Lessons
36 Playgrounds
27 Quizzes
Course Overview
Course Content

Course Overview

This course compiles a comprehensive range of questions that are most likely to be asked during the frontend interview. Where many interview prep courses focus on data structures and algorithms, this course focuses on a variety of topics from network security to system design. In this course, you will solve interview questions that cover general aspects of web development. You’ll start by going over network security and optimization techniques for load balancing and browser rendering. After that, you’ll mo...Show More
This course compiles a comprehensive range of questions that are most likely to be asked during the frontend interview. Where ma...Show More

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with front-end interview prep, covering core concepts, quizzes, and scenarios.



6 Lessons

Break apart HTTPS, CORS, clickjacking, and XSS for web security essentials.


Search Engine Optimization

5 Lessons

Focus on boosting website visibility and user engagement through ethical SEO strategies.


System Design

6 Lessons

Piece together the parts of modular design, Web Components, MVC, and serverless computing.



4 Lessons

Learn how to use APIs and REST principles for efficient, standardized communication.



4 Lessons

Unpack the core of software testing, unit testing, and end-to-end testing for quality code.


Version Control

6 Lessons

Master the steps to efficiently manage project files with Git and repo hosting on GitHub.



1 Lessons

Take a look at final tips and best wishes for your web development journey.

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