

Format JSON Data to Display Results

Format JSON Data to Display Results

Learn to format JSON returned by the WordPress REST API.

Formatting JSON data

Open the Search.js file from the modules folder inside the src folder. The Search class has a sendSearchRequest method which sends a request to the WordPress REST API. We will work on displaying the results in this lesson.

In the previous lesson, we displayed the title of the posts on the console. Now we will adjust the markup of the search-results div to display the title under the input box. The sendSearchRequest method from the last lesson is reproduced below:

fetch(siteData.root_url+ '/wp-json/wp/v2/event?search='+this.searchInput.value)
return response.json();
console.log( data.map(function(element){
return `${element.title.rendered}`;
this.isSpinning = false;
sendSearchRequest() method

Recall, that the <div> that displays the search results is contained in the searchResults property.

//other properties
this.searchResults = document.querySelector("#search-results");
searchResults property

Open the terminal in VS Code by clicking the "View" option and choosing "Terminal." Run the start script using the npm run start command. The start script will watch for any changes in the code and recompile it.

We will target the innerHTML property of searchResults to output ...