

Traditional Search without JavaScript

Traditional Search without JavaScript

Learn to create a template file that powers non-JavaScript search.

Search functionality without JavaScript

In this lesson, we will create a non-JavaScript search. We have implemented the live search feature using JavaScript. But there may be some users who do not have JavaScript enabled on their devices. A network or internet connection issue may also prevent JavaScript from the website from downloading. Traditional search is a fallback option for such users. If a user clicks the search icon in the absence of JavaScript, they will be taken to the traditional non-JavaScript search page.

The non JavaScript search relies on the built-in search functionality offered by WordPress. To search for a term, we can append ?s=search-term at the end of the website’s root URL, where s stands for search.

Say, we want to search for the term career. Type ?s=career at the end of the root URL and we are taken to a search results page. This page shows all results that match the search string. WordPress uses a file search.php for displaying the search resutls page. In the absence of this file, index.php is used as the fallback opinion. We can see that the ...