

Uploading Images

Uploading Images

Learn to upload an image for the banner area.

In this lesson, we will add the ability to add a background image in the banner area. This can be done by adding a button in the banner block’s settings, that allows the user to choose a background image. If we select the overall banner block, we want the button to appear in the right-hand sidebar that lets the user choose a background image.


As discussed before, the InspectorControls element is responsible for displaying items in the sidebar. Open the edit.js file from the banner folder. We need to import the following:

  • InspectorControls, MediaUpload and MediaUploadCheck from the block-editor package.

  • Button, PanelBody, and PanelRow from the components package.

import { InnerBlocks, InspectorControls, MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck } from "@wordpress/block-editor";
import { Button, PanelBody, PanelRow } from "@wordpress/components";
Importing components for uploading images

Right now, we are returning a <div> with a nested <InnerBlocks> component. To return multiple items, we need to nest them inside an empty React fragment (as there can be only one root element in the return statement). Inside the fragment, we will add the InspectorControls component. The placement doesn’t matter. It can be added above or below the <div>. Whatever we nest inside this component will be visible on the right-hand sidebar.

return (
<div className="image-and-banner">
<img className="image" src={imgURL} alt="" />
<div className="banner-section">
<div className="banner">
<InnerBlocks allowedBlocks={["excellenceblocktheme/heading", "excellenceblocktheme/button"]}/>
InspectorControls component

Panel for choosing background image

Inside the InspectorControls, add the PanelBody and PanelRow components. Give it a title prop of Background Image and set the panel to be open by default.

<PanelBody title="Background Image" initialOpen={true}>
Panel for choosing background image

Inside the PanelRow, we will use the MediaUploadCheck component to make sure that the user has permissions to upload media. The MediaUpload component is nested inside. It is used as a self-closing component where we specify three props, on select, value, and render.

<PanelBody title="Background Image" initialOpen={true}>
<MediaUpload onSelect={} value={} render={}/>
MediaUpload component


The value prop is the ID of the media file chosen by the user. We will create an ...