

Post Type Relationships in Search Logic

Post Type Relationships in Search Logic

Learn about making the search logic aware of post type relationships.

We have linked teachers and events to a course in the Creating Post Relationships lesson. This relationship should be reflected in the search results too. If a user searches for Artificial Intelligence, not only do we want the results to contain the course itself, but also the teachers and events related to the Artificial Intelligence course. As of now, when the custom REST API responds, the courses array contains a result while the teachers and events arrays are empty.

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Search logic NOT aware of relationships between post types
Search logic NOT aware of relationships between post types

The search logic implemented in the school_search_results function in the search-route.php file (inside the inc folder) uses a custom query to pull in data based on the search term. To add relationships, we can write another custom query (based on the search term) that fetches all the related data.

Custom query for related teachers and events

Open the search-route.php file from the inc folder and navigate to the school_search_results function. We have a WP_Query object called $allPosts. This object is used in a while loop where we populate the $allResults array.

To write a second query, it is important to call the wp_reset_query() ...