Function Overriding
Learn about overriding inherited functions
Overriding inherited functions
When a derived class inherits from a base class, it may choose to change some of the inherited functionality. This is called function overriding, since the derived class is overriding the functionality of the base class.
Here’s a simple example to demonstrate this:
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#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Employee {protected:string name;int ID;int reportsTo;public:Employee(string name, int ID, int boss) : name(name), ID(ID), reportsTo(boss) { }string getName() { return name; }int getID() { return ID; }int getBoss() { return reportsTo; }void display() {cout << ID << " " << name << " reports to " << reportsTo << endl;}void display(string salutation){cout << salutation << " ";display();}};class Manager : public Employee {protected:string teamName;public:Manager(string name, int ID, int boss, string teamName) : Employee(name, ID, boss), teamName(teamName) { }void display() {Employee::display();cout << " Heads the team " << teamName << endl;}};int main() {Employee worker("John Smith", 10, 2);Manager ceo("Jack Hobbs", 0, 0, "Eats R Us");Manager cto("Elizabeth Shaw", 2, 0, "IT");worker.display("Mr");ceo.display();cto.display();//ceo.display("Mr")return 0;}
We have defined a base class to represent an Employee
. Since a Manager
is also an Employee
, we ...