HomeCoursesEvent-Driven Architecture in Golang



Event-Driven Architecture in Golang
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Explore event-driven architecture in Golang to decouple microservices, enable real-time interactions, and convert synchronous mechanisms into asynchronous communication with practical examples.
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Course Overview

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is an architecture that helps organizations decouple microservices and avoid developing another distributed monolith. Companies are adopting event-driven architecture (EDA) as their web applications grow in size and complexity. Adding or developing your application around real-time interactions becomes easier with EDA. Choosing a new architecture for your next application or deciding to refactor an existing one can be fraught with known and unknown challenges. In this cours...Show More
Event-driven architecture (EDA) is an architecture that helps organizations decouple microservices and avoid developing another ...Show More


Basic understanding of the benefits of event-driven architecture (EDA) in decoupling microservices and how to avoid distributed monoliths
An understanding of how event-driven architecture (EDA) facilitates easier development, scalability, and real-time interactions in web applications
Familiarity with the challenges associated with choosing a new architecture or refactoring existing applications and learning strategies for overcoming these challenges
Hands-on experience implementing event-driven architecture (EDA) in microservices-based applications through a modular monolith demonstration application
Basic understanding of the benefits of event-driven architecture (EDA) in decoupling microservices and how to avoid distributed monoliths

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with event-driven architecture in Go for microservices and practical insights.


Introduction to Event-Driven Architectures

8 Lessons

Look at Event-Driven Architecture’s concepts, patterns, core components, and implementation challenges.



2 Lessons

Piece together the parts of setting up the local environment and DevOps tools.
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