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Data Science for Non-Programmers
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Gain insights into conducting meaningful data analysis in Python without prior programming experience. Discover Python fundamentals, data preprocessing, EDA, and predictive analytics for solving business problems.
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Course Overview

Ready to move past Excel for complex business analysis? Then you’ll find this course very helpful. This hands-on introductory Data Science course is aimed at professionals and students who don't have any experience with programming. It will help you advance your career by preparing you to conduct meaningful data analysis in Python on any dataset — large or small. You’ll begin with the fundamentals of Python, with focus on CSV files in Python, covering concepts like data preprocessing and Exploratory Data ...Show More
Ready to move past Excel for complex business analysis? Then you’ll find this course very helpful. This hands-on introductory D...Show More

Course Content


What is Data Science

3 Lessons

Get familiar with the interdisciplinary study of data, data science lifecycle, and Python's key role.


Data Cleaning

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of data cleaning, including handling missing values, duplicates, inconsistencies, and outliers.


Statistical Inference

6 Lessons

Simplify complex topics of statistical inference, including estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing.
Certificate of Completion
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