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Certificate of Completion

System Design Interview: DoorDash

This comprehensive course prepares you for DoorDash software engineer interviews and DoorDash system design interview questions.
This comprehensive course prepares you for DoorDash software engineer interviews and DoorDash system design interview questions.

Mock Interview


Adaptive Learning


Mock Interview


This course includes

8 Lessons
5 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

This course prepares you for a system design interview by using a case study of DoorDash (a prepared food delivery system) and familiarizes you with the challenges you will encounter during the interview. You will begin by understanding the theory behind the system design interview to give you an idea of what to expect. Next, you’ll understand how to identify a system’s requirements, handle data, and lay down the architecture of the system. Along the way, diagrams and quizzes will help you solidify your c...Show More
This course prepares you for a system design interview by using a case study of DoorDash (a prepared food delivery system) and f...Show More


Prepare for Interview

System Design

What You'll Learn

Brush up on the best practices in system design interview
Practice the system design interview with the DoorDash case study
Brush up on the best practices in system design interview

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