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Business Machine Learning
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Delve into business machine learning, gaining insights into core algorithms, tuning techniques, and evaluation metrics. Learn about SHAP, LIME, and developing customized machine learning solutions.
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Course Overview

AI has enabled us to develop machine learning algorithms that learn from patterns in the data to make predictions and help organizations make informed decisions and optimize their business workflow. This course uses a hands-on approach to introduce core algorithms that are considered a workhorse in the field of data science and business machine learning. Along with business statistics, you’ll learn the working principles behind these algorithms and how they can be tuned for improved performance. You’ll als...Show More
AI has enabled us to develop machine learning algorithms that learn from patterns in the data to make predictions and help organ...Show More


An understanding of the theoretical foundations with hands-on coding examples
The ability to train, optimize, evaluate, and deploy various machine learning models
Familiarity with the process to select the most suitable models to tackle practical problems
Hands-on experience with handling different types of data for machine learning modeling
The ability to tweak various parameters to improve accuracy of machine learning models
A working knowledge of using hands-on projects and exercises on real data sets
An understanding of the theoretical foundations with hands-on coding examples

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Course Content


Course Introduction

1 Lessons

Get familiar with developing practical machine learning skills through lessons and hands-on exercises.



6 Lessons

Master the steps to using regularization techniques to control overfitting and enhance model accuracy.


Categorical Features

6 Lessons

Take a closer look at handling categorical data, creating dummies, and eliminating redundancy for effective ML models.


Logistic Regression

7 Lessons

Follow the process of implementing, understanding, and evaluating logistic regression for binary classification.


Project: Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease

4 Lessons

Solve challenges with predicting chronic kidney disease using advanced machine learning techniques.


K-Nearest Neighbors

5 Lessons

Break apart K-Nearest Neighbors for a better understanding of its principles and challenges.


Implementation of K-Nearest Neighbors

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of implementing, optimizing, and comparing KNN models for effective decision-making.


Bootstrapping and Confidence Interval

5 Lessons

Build on estimating uncertainty with bootstrapping and describing confidence intervals for mean and median.


Practice and Comparisons

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of model performance comparisons using SVMs, CNNs, and logistic regression.


What's Next?

1 Lessons

Master the steps to advance in machine learning careers and explore further learning opportunities.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of evaluating model fit with R-squared and adjusted R-squared.
Certificate of Completion
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