HomeCoursesProperty-Based Testing with PropEr in Erlang


17h 30min

Property-Based Testing with PropEr in Erlang
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Gain insights into property-based testing with PropEr in Erlang. Delve into foundational principles, common frameworks, custom data generators, and applying testing in realistic projects for robust code validation.
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Course Overview

Property-based testing relies on specifying some property of code, rather than unit tests which specify the expected output in response to some inputs. In this course, you’ll cover the concepts you need to get started, up to the point where you feel confident enough to use the most advanced features of PropEr with Erlang. You’ll start smoothly with the basic and foundational principles of property-based testing. From there, you will cover some of the common frameworks, how to think in properties, how to wr...Show More
Property-based testing relies on specifying some property of code, rather than unit tests which specify the expected output in r...Show More


Understand the concepts of PropEr.
Understand the role of generators in property in property-based testing.
Have a clear sense where property-based testing has an advantage over EUnit tests and vice versa.
Be able to use stateful properties with ease.
Learn how to write State Machine Properties.
Understand property-based testing.
Understand the concepts of PropEr.

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Course Content


Foundations of Property-Based Testing

5 Lessons

Get familiar with property-based testing for enhanced software quality and efficient debugging.


Writing Properties

8 Lessons

Get started with defining, structuring, and executing properties using PropEr for effective testing.


Thinking in Properties

8 Lessons

Break apart the key strategies for property-based testing, including modeling, generalizing, invariants, and symmetric properties.


Responsible Testing

9 Lessons

Take a closer look at designing resilient units and integrating robust components for effective testing.



5 Lessons

Piece together the parts of shrinking in property testing for simplified error identification.


Targeted Properties

6 Lessons

Learn how to use targeted properties for efficient and dynamic property-based testing in Erlang.



1 Lessons

Take a look at utilizing property-based testing to enhance both unit and integration testing.
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