HomeCoursesMastering Modern Perl: Writing Efficient and Maintainable Code



Mastering Modern Perl: Writing Efficient and Maintainable Code
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Want to learn how to code? Delve into Modern Perl, get hands-on experience with best practices, and confidently build efficient, maintainable, and scalable code using Perl's rich features.
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Course Overview

Modern Perl is a mindset. It’s an approach to writing great software with the Perl programming language. It’s how effective Perl programmers write powerful, maintainable, scalable, concise, and excellent code. It takes advantage of Perl’s extensive library of free software (the CPAN) and language features designed to multiply your productivity. In this course, you will cover a wide range of topics, including Perl's philosophy, the basics of the Perl language, object-oriented programming, exception handling...Show More
Modern Perl is a mindset. It’s an approach to writing great software with the Perl programming language. It’s how effective Perl...Show More


An understanding of the philosophy behind Perl’s design.
A deep understanding of the Perl programming language.
The ability to build Modern Perl mindset and write idiomatic Perl code.
An understanding of the best practices for writing reliable and maintainable Perl code.
The ability to leverage CPAN to improve productivity and write better Perl code.
An understanding of the philosophy behind Perl’s design.

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Course Content


Introduction to Modern Perl

2 Lessons

Get familiar with writing effective Perl using modern tools and techniques.


Perl Identifiers and Variables

10 Lessons

Break apart Perl identifiers, variables, strings, numbers, lists, and Unicode handling.



5 Lessons

Piece together the parts of Perl operators’ characteristics, types, and practical exercises.


Perl Beyond Syntax

4 Lessons

Investigate advanced Perl idioms, effective code management, and safely handling global variables for maintainable code.


What to Avoid

7 Lessons

Preempt errors by avoiding Perl's barewords, indirect objects, and complex prototypes.


Perl and Its Community

3 Lessons

Step through Perl's rich community, CPAN resources, and efficient installation management tools.


Next Steps with Perl

3 Lessons

Discover the logic behind essential Perl modules, CPAN tools, and continuous learning strategies.



1 Lessons

Examine essential Perl testing modules for enhancing software quality and maintainability.
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