HomeCoursesPlanning the Perfect Vacation with Amadeus APIs in JavaScript



Planning the Perfect Vacation with Amadeus APIs in JavaScript
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Gain insights into leveraging Amadeus Travel API to search flights, check statuses, find hotels, generate trip plans, and build a travel app using React and Express.
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Course Overview

Amadeus Travel API connects users to one of the richest information repositories in the travel industry. This enables users to build, innovate, and launch high-quality applications to assist with various travel operations. In this course, you'll learn how to search for the best flights for your trip, inquire about flight status, and search cities and airports. You'll also learn to search for hotel ratings and get the best deals from over 150,000 hotels worldwide. You'll also be able to generate trip recomm...Show More
Amadeus Travel API connects users to one of the richest information repositories in the travel industry. This enables users to b...Show More


An understanding of different Amadeus Travel APIs and their endpoints
The ability to search for flight information, including price, status, and departure/arrival airports
The ability to search for hotel information, including pricing and room availability, for over 150,000 hotels worldwide
The ability to utilize a geographic database to identify local points of interest for vacation planning
The ability to leverage machine learning (ML) algorithms trained on historical search data available at Amadeus to offer trip recommendations
Hands-on experience in building a functional travel application using React, integrated with Amadeus APIs through an Express backend
An understanding of different Amadeus Travel APIs and their endpoints

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with Amadeus APIs for simplifying travel planning and enhancing user experiences.


Air APIs

3 Lessons

Walk through accessing flight deals, real-time statuses, and airport/city searches using Amadeus APIs.


Hotel APIs

4 Lessons

Examine diverse Amadeus Hotel APIs for searching, listing, and rating hotels worldwide.


Destination Content APIs

2 Lessons

Build a foundation in using Amadeus APIs for discovering attractions and tours.


Trip APIs

2 Lessons

Dig into using Trip and Travel Recommendations APIs to predict purposes and suggest destinations.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Tackle integrating Amadeus APIs into a React app for trip recommendations and bookings.



1 Lessons

Build on your knowledge of Amadeus APIs and explore further integration opportunities.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with key resources and APIs for efficient vacation planning.
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