HomeCoursesBuilding a Jamstack Application with Next.js and Strapi CMS



Building a Jamstack Application with Next.js and Strapi CMS
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Explore building performance-efficient web applications using Next.js and Strapi. Gain insights into creating static sites, user authentication, and integrating headless CMS in a Jamstack architecture.
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Course Overview

Jamstack proposes an architecture for creating flexible, secure, and performance-efficient web applications. This course follows a tutorial-based approach, through which you will learn how to build a complete Jamstack application with Next.js and Strapi. This course will introduce you to Jamstack and how it differs from standard web applications. you will then learn about Next.js and how to create static websites. Along the way, you will create a Recipes application with a list of recipes available through...Show More
Jamstack proposes an architecture for creating flexible, secure, and performance-efficient web applications. This course follows...Show More


A thorough understanding of the core concepts related to Next.js
Familiarity with Static Site Generation with Next.js
Hands-on experience building a Jamstack application with Next.js and Strapi CMS
Familiarity with core components of Strapi including Content Manager, Content-Type Builder, and Strapi API endpoints
Hands-on experience building a Notes application project using Strapi and Next.js
A thorough understanding of the core concepts related to Next.js

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Jamstack architecture, Next.js static sites, and Strapi CMS usage.


Getting Started with Jamstack

5 Lessons

Look at Jamstack architecture, static site generation, JavaScript with APIs, and headless CMS.


Basics of Next.js

7 Lessons

Explore the essentials of building with Next.js, from routing and dynamic routing to asset management.


Static Site Generation with Next.js

8 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of static site generation with Next.js, including pre-rendering and dynamic routes.


Using Strapi as a Headless CMS

6 Lessons

Solve problems in setting up and managing content with Strapi CMS for Next.js apps.


Building the Complete Application

3 Lessons

Follow the process of integrating a Next.js frontend with a Strapi backend for a meal management app.



2 Lessons

Approach building a Jamstack application with Next.js and Strapi CMS while managing content.
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